
Sorry everyone….

We apologize for not recording any new episodes, but we have had a very hectic couple of months with the holidays, work, finals, and the loss of a loved one. Regretfully, we have decided to not continue with the podcast. We really enjoyed doing the show, but we have other commitments that must take a higher priority now. We still love Gilmore Girls as much as ever though. We will continue to maintain the website, so feel free to continue posting comments. We will also keep our phone line, so you can still leave messages. Periodically, we will release your voicemails as reviews of each episode. Thank you for your devotion to us. You guys have been great. We will try to do one last episode to formally say goodbye to you, but we are not sure at the moment when that will be. Thanks again and we hope you understand.

Dave and Alicia

109 Responses to “Sorry everyone….”

  1. wawaGG
    January 4th, 2007 20:22

    i am about to cry…..

  2. Claudia
    January 4th, 2007 20:42

    omg i cant believe u guys r ending the podcast!! Well i guess if you really cant continue then i understand. I just want you to know that you 2 had the best gilmore girls podcast ever and that each episode was so much fun. I hope you have a great life and that someday, maybe someday you guys will be able to come back. I really am about to cry but I think i can hold back the tears. Love you podcast!!! And I will always remember it.

  3. shoumi
    January 4th, 2007 21:59

    oh no!!! i’m so sad ๐Ÿ™ this was the only podcast i liked enough to keep listening to.

    i hope to change your mind someday!

  4. Em
    January 5th, 2007 00:16

    Just thanking you, Dave and Alicia, for what a great podcast you guys did! I’ll miss it but I understand that you have to discontinue it. I hope the best for you guys!

  5. jellybean121892
    January 5th, 2007 16:09

    This has been the best podcast I have listened to, and my most favorite website about Gilmore Girls. I think it’s great that you guys are still mantaining the website and phone line even with your busy schedules. Thank you thank you thank you for making this podcast, I loved hearing your imput on each episode, but I can understand that you have to discontinue it with your busy schedules and all. Thanks once again!!

  6. _Banana_Slushie_
    January 5th, 2007 20:09

    I’m so sorry for your troubles and hope that your hectic and busy times will pass soon enough. Although I am literally in tears about the news of the podcast being discontinued I understand how life can throw you curved balls and in a way I’m not sure if I could handle listening to one ‘final good bye podcast’, it would be too much for me.

    I would like to thank both of you guys for the amount of joy you brought into my life, and as odd as it may seem you both have greatly impacted me. I shall always think of you, Alicia, when ever Logan is on GG — especially when he is shirtless haha — and I shall never forget for David proposed haha!!! I’ll miss you both very much and I do hope for the best for the both of you.

    Love always,

  7. cardigan85
    January 6th, 2007 05:37


    I am a really big fan of your podcast, and I’m so sorry to hear that you lost someone you loved last year. I send my dearest and deepest condolences to you. Four family members of mine actually passed away last year, and I can certainly understand and empathize with what you’re going through.

    Thanks for brightening up my week for a while, and I hope that someday you guys can make another podcast when you feel up to it.

    Have a great life together, and I really hope that this isn’t the end.

    Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.

  8. sarah
    January 6th, 2007 07:24

    Hi Dave & Alicia,

    Each week i checked the site to see if there was a new podcast en when i checked it this morgning i was devastated.
    Every week i looked forward to the podcast… it’s sad but i understand its a lot of work making it each week…
    I already searched for a new gilmore girl podcast a couple of weeks ago but they were al not worth listening to.

    Thanks for everything ๐Ÿ™‚ and good luck in the future !

    Sarah from Belgium

  9. GilmoreMom
    January 6th, 2007 17:03

    Dave & Alicia,
    So sorry to hear about your loss. Our thoughts are with you, as well as our thanks for becoming part of our family with your weekly podcasts.

    Thank you so much for putting out what you did, it is a tremendous amount of work, and greatly appreciated. Your insights and observations are well thought out, and a pleasure to listen to.

    I’m subscribed in iTunes, so if you ever are able to put up more, we’ll be listening.

    Take care, and sincere thanks,

    Cindi & Son, from CA

  10. justme007
    January 6th, 2007 21:32

    so sad ur stopping! i loved ur podcast…. hope yall have a happpy life

  11. Asher
    January 7th, 2007 01:26

    Good Bye Dave and Alicia…. It was good listening to you guys for a short period of time….. maybe you can hand the podcast over to someone. I think it is a little pretentious to give up on something after going on about how well things were becoming for you guys… I however am just one opinion, but have a good life, no hard feelings at all….. and good luck

  12. Asher
    January 7th, 2007 01:31

    One other note…. I enjoyed all the episodes I listened to and I thank you for those…. and I just wanted to let you know that I lost family members this year around thanksgiving and I am about to lose one here soon. he is with hospice now… and I almost lost my dad, the holidays are always hectic, and I just went through a divorce, but this podcast and gilmore girls was a happy place I could use to get away from it all if only for an hour.

  13. supercoolpartyperson
    January 7th, 2007 14:43

    OMG i am sooooo sad…i understand..but is there any way you could just do a podcast once a month to discuss those episodes??

  14. David
    January 7th, 2007 20:36

    Thanks for the kind words. We’d like to hand it off to you (and the other listeners), so feel free to call the studio line (260-918-0459) with your thoughts on the latest episode. We’ll compile them into the podcast feed. Be sure to mention your name (or username) and where you’re calling from. Short and sweet messages that are clear and understandable will be sure to make it on the air.

    Thanks everyone,

  15. lesrags
    January 8th, 2007 16:45

    Alicia & Dave — you guys created a fun, informative and inclusive podcast. You made people feel at home in your lives and gave those of us who watch Gilmore Girls a place to further enjoy the show. I am sad at the direction the show has been taking, and see a look in Lauren Graham’s eyes that seems to say “what the heck are they writing here — Lorelai would never do that???” But, that may just be me….. Anyway, I will miss your podcast but wish you the very best of luck in your lives. You have your priorities straight and I applaud that as well.

  16. *Katie*
    January 8th, 2007 22:43

    Oh where to begin:

    I want to start by saying thank you. You guys are so passionate about the show, and I could tell you really loved doing your podcast. There are things in life that take priority. I just want you guys to know that you truly made a difference. Whenever I listened to your podcast, it brightened my day. I can remember listening to it while on the bus, while running, and while doing my homework.

    Thank you so much for dedicating part of your life to us listeners; which we will forever and always be.

    Lots of love and well wishes for your life,

  17. iluvgg
    January 9th, 2007 00:30

    Thanks for the podcast, i will miss it! Does any one know when we will know if there is gonna be an 8th season?

    January 9th, 2007 18:34

    Thanks so much for the podcast! I really loved it, but totally understand that you can not continue it. I just wanted to tell you guys that it was so great and amazing!

    Thanks again!!!

  19. erin
    January 9th, 2007 22:53

    I am so sorry that you guys have had a difficult time recently, and know that we understand that your personal lives need to take precedence over the podcast. As a fan who just discovered the podcast in September, I can say that you made watching season 7 so much more bearable than it otherwise would have been. I wish the best to both of you!

  20. Martine
    January 10th, 2007 15:01

    This was the first (and the best, no doubt) podcast I’ve ever listend to. I love it and I’ve been listning to each and every episode exept for those I havn’t seen the Gilmore Girls episode yet. I was looking forward to plug my ipod to the computer and maybe there would be a new podcast from you guys. But now it’s over. And I do understand, I just can’t believe it. I’m looking forward to your last podcast (hopefully not forever..) witch you said you will make.

    Good Luck in your life and thank you for a great great podcast!

    A BIIIIG fan from Norway

    (Sorry about the bad english – if it’s there ;))

  21. Martine
    January 10th, 2007 15:03

    Oh.. i forgot something. Is there anyone who knows why Logan calls Rory “Ace”? Dave, Alicia? I’m a big Rory and Logan fan, so I really like to know if anybody knows..

  22. jellybean121892
    January 10th, 2007 19:49

    Martine, I re-watched the 5th & 6th season, when Rory and Logan met and were together, and I couldn’t find anything. When he started calling her ‘Ace’ I don’t think she questioned it, unless I missed something. It could be because Rory went over to Logan’s when he and his friends were playing poker, and she thought they would be alone, so I think it was during that time/after that…. ???? That’s all I got.

  23. GGfan4ever
    January 11th, 2007 07:08

    i think its like ace reporter. but im not sure.

  24. Jean
    January 11th, 2007 21:12

    I am very sorry for your loss and understand that real life issues are a priority. I just wanted to write and say that I loved your Podcast. I had only started watching Gilmore Girls recently on ABC Family. It was cool to listen to your podcast because it helped me to understand what was going on. I will miss the weekly downloads. Thanks for keeping the website up for everyone. Best of luck to you both.

  25. bmont178
    January 12th, 2007 16:02

    Thanks for doing this podcast as long as you did. I’m very sorry for your loss and I hope that you are both doing all right. Good luck in whatever you decide to do next. Thanks again.

  26. ggfan01
    January 12th, 2007 18:42

    I faithfully checked weekly to see if you had posted another podcast and it is so sad that you are unable to continue…I only started listening a short while ago but I was instantly hooked…

    I wish you both the best of luck and I look forward to one last podcast and to the voicemails of your listeners you have promised to post…

    Thank you for everything and best of luck!

  27. Martine
    January 14th, 2007 11:14

    Jellybean121892 and GGfan4ever. Thank you for your suggestions! I’ve been sitting there watching GG and kept wondering where ace came from.

    If anybody finds out anything, it would be great if you told me. Just in a comment here on the gilmore girls podcast.

    thank you!

  28. sHaNaGg
    January 14th, 2007 14:11

    I cannot believe you guys are ending your podcast, it is one of the best podcasts on air. I understand this is not a job but something you do on your own time, but it is a sad thing that you guys are ending.

  29. cajitasazules
    January 14th, 2007 16:20

    Dear Dave and Alicia,

    First of all my heartfelt condolences for your loss. May you remember all the wonderful memories and time spent with your loved one.

    I’m sad to see the podcast end, but completely understand that it must be an incredibly time consuming project in addition to your daily routine. I always saved your episodes on my iPod for when I need some “Gilmore Girls” moments to get me through a tough day at the office. Fortunately, I started listening to the podcast rather recently, so I’ve got a few to tide me over. They’ve brought a lot of smiles and enjoyment to my days at work and I’ll ration out the remaining episodes.

    Looking forward to the episodes of voicemails. You two really have quite the talent for podcasts and radio format shows. Alas, all good things must come to an end. ๐Ÿ™

    Wishing you all the best in the future.

    Katie in Florida

  30. lostwithoutlove101
    January 14th, 2007 17:48

    even though i have really never used this i wish that you would not end it but that is ur chose thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. wawaGG
    January 17th, 2007 22:13

    does anyone know in season 5 in wedding bell blues what emily and richards first dance as a couple’s song was called? i think it was something like “bill”

  32. jujubee
    January 17th, 2007 23:08

    Hey, guys. We’re all sorry to hear about this. ๐Ÿ™ Alicia, I sent you a couple emails and never heard back from you, so I just wanted to make sure you got them. I hope to see you around soon!

    wawaGG, the song is titled “Wedding Bell Blues (Marry Me, Bill)” and it’s by The Fifth Dimension.

  33. Asher
    January 18th, 2007 15:05

    Hey all—- Just found this out…… I might cry.

    Graham spoke of the rumor that she and costar Bledel were not keen on doing another season of the show after the upcoming seventh.

    so a season 8 probably not going to happen.

  34. jellybean121892
    January 18th, 2007 21:28

    Has anyone seen the new movie Because I Said So previews with Lauren Graham? I would see the movie just to see her in it, I always wanted to see her acting skills with different roles.

  35. Vintage212
    January 21st, 2007 10:45

    Yes I have seen that! I want to see the movie too.

  36. Vintage212
    January 21st, 2007 10:46

    Hey Asher, I thought we knew that this was the last season?

  37. russelbutt
    January 22nd, 2007 16:13

    aww.. im really sad to see the podcast is ending ๐Ÿ™

    this was one of the shows i really liked listening to and keeping up with.. it was the perfect companion to watching gilmore girls..

    thanks david and alicia for all you’ve done.. you guys are awesome, and i look forward to the final send off..

    take care..

  38. lubug
    January 22nd, 2007 19:13

    ouch pain this sucks
    i went shopping for another gg podcast but nothing compares. goodbye dave and alicia and we hope you change your mind at some point

  39. Asher
    January 22nd, 2007 20:42

    Vintage there was a report online for a while that Rosenthal wanted to sign the ladies for another 2 seasons, he wanted to finish the show with a ending after college. kind of a what happens next season, but the now decided that they didn’t want to do it anymore, and Alexis said that she wasn’t to excited to agree to this season either.

  40. Vintage212
    January 23rd, 2007 10:55

    That’s because this season’s plots are terrible. I love gg but honestly, it’s like nothing is interesting anymore. I’m just HOPING that this little break in season will help out a little bit and we can get back on track.

  41. Jen
    January 23rd, 2007 12:24

    okay, so im finally getting to go to california this summer, and i believe we are going to take a tour of the wb studio, where they shoot gilmore girls. i was really hoping to get to see the set, but it just kinda dawned on me that if this is the last season, will the set even be there anymore in july?? any thoughts??

  42. jellybean121892
    January 23rd, 2007 16:12

    I think everyone will have to wait and see about Gilmore Girls ending this season. It’s only the 7th season, so I think and I’m hoping we might have at least one more season with GG, the CW could give them more money or whatever to get them to stay id Gilmore Girls is a highly ranked show on the network. Is Gilmore Girls even still taped on the WB lot even though it moved to the CW??

    It’s finally January 23rd 2007! It’s 4:11 PM where I live, so 3 hours and 49 minutes until Gilmore Girls.

  43. Asher
    January 23rd, 2007 21:11


    I looked up a lot of information, Alexis has signed a pilot with a new show, and Lauren is filming movies now, I don’t think that the CW could offer them enough money to do the show. Alexis was quoted saying something along the lines of GG is no longer the transition show, that chapter has ended. Matt (logan) is only signed for the remainder of this season, and even if they end things between RG and LH, I just don’t think that I could handle a new guy.

    I actually love gilmore girls and I still love this season, I agree things are not the same and that is because the relationship that we all were hoping for happened and now, its the down hill slumber. We already hit the cliimax of the show. Honestly I am ready to move on… I started watching Smallville and that is filling my void.

    As for tonights episode, Paul Anka is back, and Luke is losing weight, Chris is more annoying than ever, and April is slick. I can’t wait until the 13th episode when what I have been waiting for to happen…. (spoilerfix)

    Have fun ya’ll

  44. Vintage212
    January 24th, 2007 10:06

    Yay for Pual Anka being back, that is so exciting, he is so cute! I didn’t notice that Luke looked slimmer, but I guess I wasn’t paying that close enough attention. Yes! Finally, someone else that notices HOW ANNOYING Chris is! Ugh, so dumb. I love April now. She is trying SO hard to be with her dad, it’s just too cute.

    I havn’t read any spoilers, so I’m not sure what are you are talking about but hopefully it is something I’d like as well.

  45. Asher
    January 24th, 2007 11:08

    Vintage, you will love it…. I promise…..

    Chris is rediculous… (wink wink) I hope Lorelai comes to her senses (nudge nudge)

    Haha, I think luke is still really sad about Lorelai, and you know what else I noticed…… NO AERIE GIRLS…… I am so happy about that….. Those little annoying ‘I know everything about GG, My opinion is so unwanted yet so important’ Poop on you aerie girls. haha.

    Have fun ya’ll

  46. Asher
    January 24th, 2007 11:26

    Hey, is there a link to open new forums on this site? If not, that might be a good thing to intorduce, that way this page does not end up with 100’s of messages.

    I may be a loner on this one, but I want Logan to take the next step with Rory, it would do good for the show, but how long have they been together on this show 3 years i think… I am a big Rory Logan fan, I think he challenges her and he gives her everything she needs and he’s cute. I can’t believe that he will be turning 30. Amazing…..

  47. jellybean121892
    January 24th, 2007 19:14

    I think that anyone who has been missing the ‘la-la’s is happy after watching the epsiode, I know they played them a lot more, and wasn’t the ‘la-la’ that they played when Lorelai was trying to write Luke’s letter new? It sounded different, but still good. And about Lane’s pregnency, I think it was so funny how the guys in the band were so interested in all the baby stuff. I can’t wait until the babies are born, they will be so cute.

  48. iluvgg
    January 24th, 2007 20:42

    i really hope there is an 8th season. I noticed the lala’s 2, i was almost jumping up and down. The spoilers make me SOOOOOO happy. I’m really gonna miss the podcast, thanks for everything -Em

  49. Asher
    January 24th, 2007 22:26

    Here– There is a spoiler in here but its not big>>>>> NEWS ABOUT SEASON 8 (if)

    They’re dealing with [Melissa McCarthy’s pregnancy] by making Sookie pregnant for a third time. David Rosenthal is seriously considering ending the season (or series?) with Lorelai and Luke not only married but expecting a baby. The buzz in Stars Hollow is that the key to an eighth season may rest in Alexis Bledel’s petite hands. Unlike Lauren Graham, who appears to be somewhat amenable to the idea of continuing on for another year, Bledel is proving a tougher sell. As a result, Warner Bros. and the CW are allegedly developing a Plan B that would focus an eighth season on Lorelai, Luke and their new baby, with the occasional sweeps-month guest appearance by Rory.

    That season would suck…… and I though Jackson had his parts nipped and snipped.

  50. Vintage212
    January 25th, 2007 11:15

    Asher thanks for much for giving me hopes for the next episode! Now I can’t wait!

    Okay if they end this season with Lorelei with Luke, not married but with him, expecting his child, then they better have another season! That is so messed up! I seriously hope Alexis Bledel at least takes time to consider the show’s fans. And I agree with you Asher, when you said that it’s time for Logan and Rory to take their relationship to the next step.

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