I mentioned in a previous podcast that I would post counter points to the opinions expressed in our podcast. Wahn sent in this email…
Alicia & Dave
Since I began listening to the Unofficial Gilmore Girls Podcast, I have been appalled by the otherwise sensible Alicia’s unabashed crush on Logan. He is (for reasons listed below) the most despicable, amoral character created by the Palladinos.
Among the negative character traits he has thus far exhibited, he has shown himself to be materialistic, insecure, jealous, glib, undependable, self-centered, cavalier, destructive, extravagant, reckless, brash, hypocritical, insolent, inconsiderate, condescending, and spineless.
What is with that distressed sports coat? Phuleese. It screams, “I’m a poor rich boy.” That alone would send Lorelei into paroxysm of one-liners.
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